
Media Research Center

Maher Claims Romney 'Bullying' Worse Than Michael Jackson Molestation

Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Conan show on TBS, HBO comedian Bill Maher absurdly suggested that recent allegations that Mitt Romney engaged in "bullying" in high school are worse than being ...
Media Research Center

Donny Deutsch Lauds Obama on Gay Marriage Vs. Romney 'Bullying'

Appearing as a guest on Monday's The Tonight Show on NBC, advertising executive and former CNBC host Donny Deutsch praised President Obama for voicing support for same-sex marriage, and predicted ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Morgan Mocks Catholic Love of Gay Children, Should Say 'I Hate Gay People'

On Wednesday's Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN host Piers Morgan mocked Catholic League president Bill Donohue's declaration that Catholicism demands that gay children should still be loved by their ...

CBS Highlights 'Very Conservative' Santorum's Views on Social Issues

On Friday's CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley tagged Rick Santorum as the "very conservative Pennsylvania Senator" as he introduced a full report on the GOP presidential candidate's views on ...

In Debate, ABC Hits Republicans from Left on Gay Rights

During Saturday's GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire hosted by ABC, co-moderators Diane Sawyer of World News and local ABC affiliate anchor Josh McElveen posed questions from the left about ...

Ex-New Yorker's Heilemann Makes Gay Joke About Santorum

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, New York magazine's John Heilemann - formerly of The New Yorker - made a gay joke about GOP presidential candidate Rick ...

ABC and NBC Celebrate Anniversary of Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal

Both ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News on Wednesday took the time to celebrate the first time that a same-sex couple won the U.S. Navy's lottery that allows their welcome home kiss to be ...

Fox's Chris Wallace Hits Santorum from Left on Gays in Military

On today's Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace sparred with Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, challenging the former Pennsylvania Senator's opposition to gays serving openly in the ...

Joy Behar Baits Biden to Slam GOP Candidates on The View

In an interview with Vice President Joe Biden, ABC's The View co-host Joy Behar brought up rogue crowd members at a recent GOP debate who booed after a gay soldier asked a controversial question ...

ABC Highlights Attacks on Chick-fil-A By Gay Rights Groups

The January 30 World News Sunday on ABC ran a report highlighting complaints by gay rights activists over Chick-fil-A supplying food to a socially conservative group in Pennsylvania that promoted ...
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