Appearing on Thursday's Good Morning America to discuss the recent legislative activity in Congress, ABC's Cokie Roberts managed to avoid using the word "illegal" as she recounted the failure by ...
As all the broadcast network evening newscasts on Saturday used words like "historic" and "landmark" to play up the Senate vote in favor of repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy on ...
On Friday evening, ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News both informed viewers that Cindy McCain - wife of Senator John McCain - supports repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy on gays in ...
On Thursday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, substitute host Cenk Uygur blamed conservative opposition to the Ground Zero mosque for violence against Muslims, and tagged the GOP the "party of hate." He ...
Homosexuals enraged over Prop. 8 physically and sexually assault a group of religious believers innocently praying in a public place, and this isn't news?
Guy Trebay goes on (and on and on) about the Snickers Super Bowl commercial showing two men accidentally kissing: "But for some the commercial left the lingering question of who owns the kiss? How ...