
Too Busy Admiring Greens to Notice What They're Really About

Environmentalists want to limit our society and your behavior, but you won't hear that from the media.

ABC 'World News' Uses Questionable Data in Home Foreclosure Story

Report states foreclosures up 90 percent, although source admits its own foreclosure data is susceptible to error.

Media Spread Suspicion of Gas 'Gouging'

Record gas prices prompt journalists' support for more price gouging investigations, vague legislation.

Fox Medical Drama Surprises Viewers with Pro-Life Storyline

House writers choose to value life, at least for an hour in prime time.

Subprime Reporting

Networks blame lenders, not borrowers for foreclosure 'epidemic.'

We Can't Afford to Follow Al Gore

Call for massive legislation ignores reality of global energy consumption and plight of the world's poor.

Times Recycles Old Hit Against Bush Environmental Policy

The Times ignores an angle that makes one of its popular anti-Bush voices on the environment, Dr. James Hansen of NASA, look silly.

Edwards Claims His Mega-Mansion is Carbon Neutral

Presidential candidate promotes carbon caps for business, but carbon 'offsets' for himself.

CS Monitor Praises 'Renewable' House, Ignores Cost to Taxpayers

Correspondent never indicates $250,000 state grant is paid for by state residents.

CNN Blames Lenders For 'Credit Crisis'

'In the Money' provides uncritical platform for documentary director to bash the credit industry.
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