
'Evening News': Foreclosures Causing Increased Homelessness

CBS blames housing crisis, not lost job, for loss of home in foreclosure hardship story.

CNN Shows a Better Way to Handle Potential Foreclosure

'Issue #1' segment a sharp contrast to April 3 'World News' report on how to cheat on your mortgage.

CBS Omits Skepticism of Homeowner Bailout Plan

'Evening News' acts as if mortgage rescue package is taxpayers' duty since 'the government helped rescue Bear Stearns.'

'Today' Teaches History, Shows Light at End of Recession Tunnel

NBC morning show assumes economy is in recession, compares current conditions to 1973, 1987 and 2001.

ABC Rides with Foreclosure Police for Economic Heartbreak Report

'Good Morning America's' Mike von Fremd reports on law enforcement having to compel homeowners in foreclosure to leave.

'This Week': George Will vs. The World on Housing Bailout

Lone conservative, free-market voice George Will faces off against liberals Robert Reich, Donna Brazile and Paul Krugman.

NBC's Mitchell Ignores Causes of Housing Woes

Network's chief foreign affairs correspondent and wife of former Fed Chief Greenspan seeks answers to housing crisis in Democrats' plans.

Networks Combine to Deliver Economic Triple Threat

Will housing, gas prices and banking bring down the U.S. economy? On the news, it seems like a daily mantra.

CBS Reporter Suggests a 'Bailout' for Housing Crisis

'Early Show's' Maggie Rodriguez proposes a 'cram session' to Treasury Secretary to figure out a Bear Stearns-like bailout for 'agencies involved.'

Foreclosure Filings Drop Month-to-Month, So Burnett Reports Year-over-Year Increase

CNBC contributor emphasizes disappointing foreclosure numbers but ignores decrease highlighted by reporting group.
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