
GOP's 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Mostly Just Cut By Media

Republican budget plan only mentioned by name in 10 percent of stories.

Media Leave Out Economists from Stories on Debt Crisis 'Calamity'

In two weeks of news reports, only two economists were included by broadcast networks.

CBS Says Not Paying Your Underwater Mortgage 'Best Hope for Some to Stay Afloat'

'Evening News' sympathizes with borrowers who stopped paying, encourages 'strategic default.'

Yahoo! Editor on Economy: GOP Wants to 'Blow Stuff Up' to Win in 2012

Latest conspiracy theory about Republicans contends they support economic sabotage.

Obama Ignores Unemployment Rise to 9.1%, Job Gains of only 54,000

ABC's Jake Tapper notices president's 'non-acknowledgment' of June 3 jobs report.

Time's Joe Klein Declares Dem House Win a 'Victory for Socialism,' Later Retracts 'Tongue-in-Cheek' Comment

Appearing on the May 25 edition of MSNBC's Last Word, Time magazine's Joe Klein declared that a Democrat's victory in a New York House election was "a victory for socialism!"

20-to-1: Networks Go Crazy over Sheen Story, Downplay Planned Parenthood Scandal

ABC, NBC, CBS report every sordid detail about troubled actor, ignore complaints against abortion provider.

Behar and Huffington Post's Sekoff Paint GOP as Trying to 'Ruin' and 'Destroy' Health Care

On Wednesday's Joy Behar Show on HLN, when host Behar asked if House Republicans are "going to ruin health care?" guest Roy Sekoff of the Huffington Post - referred to a repeal of Obamacare as ...

Networks Out of Step with Public, Ignore Majority Support for ObamaCare Repeal

In past month, ABC, CBS and NBC leave public's opposition out of 93 percent of stories mentioning health care legislation.

The Top 10 Economic Myths of 2010

Journalists' tall tales included praising GM for 'keeping faith' with taxpayers, comparing soda to cocaine, and attacking the Chamber of Commerce over baseless 'foreign money' claims.
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