
Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis; Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

Host Beck says left, media would blame right for 'any kind of violence.'

Obama's "Diplomatic Coup" in Russia Over Iran's Nukes?

Yeah Obama! (And don't mention the betrayal of Poland and the Czech Republic over the cancelling of an antimissile system.)

Pro-Iran Columnist Roger Cohen Excuses Iran's Malfeasance

From the columnist who argued that Jews had it pretty well in Iran, comes this flowery excuse: "Like many much-conquered countries, not least Italy, Iran loves artifice, the dressing-up of truth ...

Dictators and (Obama's) Double Standards

When it came to the rigged election in Iran, Barack Obama played it cool in his public statements, earning the tacit approval of the Times. But when the Honduran military toppled that country's ...

Roger Cohen Says He Was Right All Along About Iranian People

See, Cohen says, I was right all along: "One benefit of the massive show of resistance to a stolen vote, and future, has been to awaken Americans to the civic vitality of Iranian society - a real ...

"The Stoning of Soraya M" Is "Lurid Torture-Porn"

Liberal movie critic Stephen Holden doesn't like a movie about the horrible fate of a women in Iran: "Mr. Negahban's Ali, who resembles a younger, bearded Philip Roth, suggests an Islamic ...

Couric Trots Out Tony Blair to Defend Obama on Iran

"President Obama's response to the government crackdown has been criticized by some Republicans as timid," Katie Couric noted on Wednesday's CBS Evening News as she featured a retort: "Today, in ...

CBS's Smith: Reaganesque Statement On Iran Not 'Realistic'

On CBS's Early Show, Mitt Romney described Obama's latest comment on Iran as "not exactly a Ronald Reagan 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall' moment." Harry Smith got defensive: "Very different ...

The Amazing Disappearing "Obama Effect" in Iran

The Times hardly mentions Barack Obama in the context of Iran, yet still sees an "Obama effect."

Matthews Mocks GOP Candidate for Upholding 2nd Amendment Principles

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, mocked Florida GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio for pondering, on his Twitter page, that the "situation in Iran would be a little different if they had a 2nd ...
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