
Wong Finds a Way to Spin Early Success of the Troop "Surge"

Edward Wong makes the worst out of some good news from Iraq: "The heightened American street presence may already have contributed to an increase in the percentage of American deaths that occur in ...

Reporting Protest In the Proper Context

David Kirkpatrick and Sarah Abruzzese added little details that make a protest story fairer: they used liberal labels, explained who the protest organizers were, and quoted rally speakers. The ...

ABC Airs Halliburton Hit Piece

'World News Sunday' balance consists of nine seconds from CEO.

CNN Reporter Complains of Billions Spent on Iraq

Joshua Levs cites only left-leaning budget items as missed opportunities.

Ignoring Sen. Rockefeller's Own "Rhetoric About Iraq" and WMD

In a front-page story, Mark Mazzetti lets Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller rip into Bush for misleading "rhetoric about Iraq before the American invasion of 2003," but ignores what Rockefeller ...

The Times' November Surprise Backfires

Burying the lead: "Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq had abandoned its ...

Then and Now, Media Sing Along to Dems' Election Song: 'No Tax Cuts'

The declining deficit has proven tax cuts don't cause a deficit rise. But the media can't hear that above the Democratic election chorus.

Marking a Solemn Anniversary with Partisan Hackwork

The Times on Bush after 9-11: "Everything would be paid for with the blood of other people's children, and with money earned by the next generation."

Don't Call Them the "Democrat Party"

"It was the most direct attack on Democrats that Mr. Bush has made from a White House lectern this election year, and it effectively signaled the beginning of a more outright political season for ...

Notable Quotables - 07/03/2006

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