
Matthews Takes GOP 'Economic Issue' Debate to Iraq and Beyond

Moderator helped push discussion into non-economic concerns including bin Laden and policing Internet.

CBS Still Down on Blackwater After Firm Rescues Polish Ambassador in Iraq

After company's CEO Erik Prince is grilled by congressional Democrats and castigated by the media, security contractor does its job in Iraq.

Hillary's Social Security Solution: Stop Funding 'Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and the War in Iraq'

Democratic presidential candidate Clinton already proposed rolling back Bush tax cuts to fund her health care proposal.

George Bush, "Master of the Malapropism"

Sheryl Gay Stolberg mocks Bush in Australia and says matter-of-factly: "Of course, it is the president's policies, not his food preferences, that irk Australians."

Notable Quotables - 07/30/2007

Spike TV Enlists in the Anti-War Movement

New miniseries slams the Iraq war, casts Iraq vets as victims and criminals.

Iraq War too Costly to CNN

Network renames show to 'Your $$$$$,' but keeps the same old liberal talking points.

Notable Quotables - 07/16/2007

Finally: "Civil War" Among Palestinians As Well As in Iraq

After a month of the euphemistic phrase "factional fighting," the Times finally suggests "civil war" may be taking place in the Gaza Strip.

Notable Quotables - 06/04/2007

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