ABC doubled the length of its evening newscast on Friday night and World News used its second half hour to suggest an exculpatory reason behind Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan's mass killing at Fort ...
Neither CBS nor NBC, in their East coast feeds Thursday night, noted the Muslim religious beliefs of the mass killer at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, but ABC anchor Charles Gibson wasn't cowed ...
Hair coloring as a sign of anti-Muslim extremism? "Geert Wilders's bleached-blond hair goes to the root of his character. For more than two decades, Mr. Wilders, the controversial anti-Islam ...
Reporter Kareem Fahim can't be accused of playing up terror threats: This summer he would not acknowledge the Islamic religious motivation of the "Fort Dix Six" terror plotters.
MacFarquhar quotes Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison decrying "bigoted attacks" from two GOP Representatives - but fails to mention Ellison's comparison of 9-11 to the Reichstag Fire.