
ABC on Terror Suspect, Everything But a Muslim: 'Marine Lance Corporal,' a 'Marine Reservist,' an 'Ethiopian' and a 'Lone Wolf'

Add ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News to the news outlets which refused to identify Yonathan Melaku, who was caught in Arlington Cemetery with suspicious material and a notebook praising ...

Of Gods and Men

Catch the hauntingly beautiful film "Of Gods and Men," winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. "Schindler's List" was aimed at your heart; "Of Gods and Men" captures your soul.

In CNN Special, Soledad O'Brien Slants Towards Muslims, Omits Woman's Connection to Mosque

CNN's Soledad O'Brien's Sunday documentary about the controversial mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee predictably leaned towards the local Muslims who want it built. O'Brien brushed aside an ...

CNN's Velshi: Rep. Peter King Has 'Strange Obsession with Islam'

On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Ali Velshi claimed that Rep. Peter King has a "seemingly strange obsession with Islam and Islamists, or whatever you want to call it," given the lead up and the first ...

CNN Partially Rehashes Biased Six-Month-Old 'Islamophobia' Report

CNN's Deborah Feyerick performed a cut-and-paste job on Thursday's Newsroom by partially re-running a biased report from September 2010 on the apparent rise of "Islamophobia" in the United States. ...

NPR Correspondent Dons Headscarf in Sting to Expose Border Guard

An NPR correspondent recently went incognito for a sting operation aimed at exposing U.S. border agents who target Muslims for "interrogation" at the Canadian border. Employing the same tactics ...

Washington Post's Ezra Klein: 'We've Had School Shootings from Young Christians'

The Washington Post's Ezra Klein decried an upcoming congressional hearing on the threat of homegrown Islamic terrorism Monday, saying that Christians engage in violence as well but are not ...

Another Times Attack on an Opponent of Radical Islam

Reporter Laurie Goodstein attacks Brigitte Gabriel, an opponent of radical Islam, on Tuesday's front page: "She presents a portrait of Islam so thoroughly bent on destruction and domination that ...

CBS, NBC Newscasts Give Scant Coverage to Muslim Terror Attack at German Airport

Two US airmen were killed by a Muslim terrorist in Germany on Wednesday, but neither CBS nor NBC thought it worthy of more than 30 seconds of coverage on their evening newscasts Wednesday night.

Speak No Evil: Networks Obscure Deadly Extremism of Muslim Brotherhood

Contradictory reports hide substance of powerful Egyptian Islamist group.
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