Strange priorities at the New York Times: Reporter Scott Sayare, in
Toulouse in the aftermath of the killings of seven by a radical Muslim, seemed to think the top story was Muslim fear of ...
Behold the irony: The New York Times' Paris-based reporter Scott Sayare says the newspaper Le Figaro is "a right-leaning daily newspaper that is increasingly viewed as a mouthpiece for [President ...
There's a double standard on religious-bashing ads in the New York Times suggests the Daily Caller's Neil Munro: "Executives at The New York Times have rejected a full-page anti-Islam ...
Republicans are deceitfully playing with words to avoid being slammed as homophobes, racists, and bigots, claimed CNN contributor L.Z. Granderson on Thursday morning's Newsroom. Anchor Kyra ...
The Times online has "Room for Debate" to mock some religions, including Mormonism: "I wouldn't buy the underwear just yet....[the Mormon Church] has used its mobilizing genius to pursue political ...
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning shows on Monday all used news briefs to highlight how home improvement giant Lowe's is "facing a backlash" after it pulled its ads from TLC's All-American Muslim ...
CNN's Fareed Zakaria made it quite clear last summer that he supported the construction of the Ground Zero mosque. He was much more neutral in an interview with the mosque's developer Sunday, but ...
The three major networks trumpeted the news this weekend that the man behind a mass shooting spree in Norway is also a Christian, highlighting the fact in eight different programs from Saturday ...