
ABC Confounded Stabber Not Right-Winger, Still Exploits 'Knife Attack That's Cut Deep Into National Debate Over Faith and Fear'

ABC News sure wanted to paint the man charged with stabbing Muslim cab driver as a bigoted hate crime perpetrator who is the inevitable result of Islamophobic opposition to the mosque near Ground ...

ABC's Jeremy Hubbard Hints at Conspiracy: Did Palins 'Get to' Levi Johnston and Make Him Recant?

World News Now co-host Jeremy Hubbard on Wednesday didn't accept the explanation that Levi Johnston has simply decided to apologize for his bad mouthing of the Palin family. The ABC anchor hinted ...

ABC and NBC Champion Illegal Alien Cause: 'Will an Army of Protesters Be Heard?'

Another pro-illegal alien protest and, once again, the networks champion the cause. "Day of outrage, anger on the streets of Phoenix and across this country tonight," ABC anchor David Muir ...

ABC Gives Credibility to Claim 'Queen of Fake Outrage' Palin 'Overreacting' to 'Irreverent' MacFarlane

Now that actress Andrea Fay Friedman of the Fox series the Family Guy has spoken out publicly against Sarah Palin, ABC has aired a story on the controversy, which ran on Saturday's World News. The ...
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