A week after giving relatively light coverage to Joe Biden's "chains" smear, the broadcast networks eagerly dove into the Todd Akin
controversy, giving over four times more coverage to an ...
Reporting for Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, White House
correspondent Kristen Welker discussed the "remarkably ugly political
week so far" in the presidential campaign following ...
Chris Matthews on Wednesday went to embarrassing lengths as he struggled
to explain away a gaffe by the Vice President, offering tortured,
confusing logic to defend Joe Biden's "chains" ...
Wednesday's CBS This Morning did its best to spin Vice President Joe Biden's "he's going to put y'all back in chains" slam of Mitt Romney and even forwarded the Obama campaign's own talking points ...
Paul Ryan was in a shady meeting with a controversial donor, while Mitt Romney was barely noticed on the campaign trail in the Midwest. Meanwhile, gifted orator Barack Obama was celebrated with a ...
Of the three morning shows on Wednesday, only CBS acknowledged the
racial tinge of Vice President Joe Biden telling a mostly black crowd
that Republicans will "put y'all back in chains." ...
Times reporter Jackie Calmes sounds unhappy with Romney's choice of Paul Ryan: "His blueprint would greatly
shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting
more costs ...
Breaking the news that Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate, ABC’s Good Morning America
on Saturday employed no fewer than seven “conservative” labels to
label Ryan and his ...
After government audits showed Amtrak costing taxpayers millions of
dollars due to waste and theft, CNN reported the story on Friday morning
while ABC, CBS, and NBC were all silent. CNN ...
While CNN initially panned Mitt Romney's Wednesday reception by the NAACP as "very negative," anchor Kyra Phillips was quite jovial about Joe Biden quoting scripture to the audience the next day. ...