Good Morning America's reporters on Tuesday hyperbolically attacked John McCain for creating a "firestorm" and a "political calamity" by suggesting that illegal immigrants have been responsible ...
In a report on the Arizona wildfires on Tuesday's NBC Today, correspondent Miguel Almaguer touted how "The Forest Service says this historic wildfire season is caused in part by climate change." ...
On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams incredulously noted how "'s become fashionable among some to say...that so-called enhanced interrogation, what some define as ...
After two weeks of lectures on the need for conservatives like Sarah Palin to cool their political vitriol, a Democrat Congressman likening Republican rhetoric on Obama-care to Joseph Goebbels and ...
According to reporter Jennifer Steinhauer, Arizona "found itself increasingly on the defensive against notions that it is a hothouse of hateful language and violent proclivities." She went on to ...
Jennifer Steinhauer hails the newest revered Republican "maverick," Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, for bucking the GOP and helping Obama on some issues: "Mavericks are not in vogue these days on ...
Playing the role of negotiator for the Democrats, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday pressed Senator John McCain to "move the President's way" on extending the Bush tax cuts. ...
On Friday evening, ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News both informed viewers that Cindy McCain - wife of Senator John McCain - supports repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy on gays in ...
Appearing on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, Arizona Senator John McCain spoke of his admiration for Sarah Palin and criticized continued media efforts to go after his former running mate: "I continue ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday conceded that big Republican gains are on the way for November 2 and pushed guest John McCain on how the newly elected Tea Party candidates ...