Jonathan Weisman

Media Research Center

As Cuts Loom and Public Shrugs, NY Times Suddenly Spins Other Way on Sequestration

Spinning the sequester in the New York Times. After weeks of cringing in fear over the supposedly damaging federal cuts due to take effect tomorrow (even as the public shrugs them off) Jonathan ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Again Sees a Looming 'Era of Government Austerity' in a $3,500 Billion Budget

The New York Times glimpses the cold hand of "austerity" in a $3,500-billion dollar federal budget? "Cuts of even larger size are scheduled to take effect every year over the next 10, signaling an ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Suggests Tea Party Sen. Ted Cruz Takes Confrontation to New Lows of 'McCarthyism'

Reporter Jonathan Weisman is shocked, shocked to find partisanship in the U.S. Senate: "Without naming names, Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, offered a biting label for the ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Weisman Doesn't Get Why House GOP Rejected Fantastic Fiscal Cliff Deal

New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman can't understand why the House GOP didn't embrace the fiscal cliff agreement, and wonders why they cling to their bizarre opposition to tax hikes on the ...

Obama's Tax-Hiking 'Mandate,' Plus Stubborn House GOP 'Out of Step With Most Americans' on Issue

A front-page story declares Obama has a "mandate" to raise taxes, while John Harwood ponders why stubborn House Republicans can't be more responsible and agree to raise taxes on the so-called ...
Media Research Center

New York Times' Weisman Hits 'Far Right' Conservatives in Congress for 'Speaking Out of Turn'

Does reporter Jonathan Weisman think "far right" conservatives should just shut up? "Even before conservatives began speaking out of turn, pragmatists were pressing the leadership to take up and ...
Media Research Center

More DC Conventional Wisdom on GOP Losing Battle of the 'Fiscal Cliff' From the NYTimes

Conservatives, you say? From Jonathan Weisman's front-page Times story: "Speaker Boehner took as much fire from conservatives as from Democrats after proposing a deficit-reduction plan that ...
Media Research Center

Dems Hand GOP 'Stinging Defeat' in Senate, But GOP Won House Despite 'Deep Disapproval,' Partisanship

Jennifer Steinhauer shone sour light on a bright spot for Republicans in yesterday's vote: "Deep disapproval of Congress and dissatisfaction with partisan division appeared no match for ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Takes Shots at Richard Mourdock Two Days in a Row: Could Cost GOP the Senate

New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman made Friday's front page on the Republicans' uphill struggles to take over the Senate, and got in a second day of shots against Indiana Republican ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Eager to Paint Mourdock Rape Comment as 'Dilemma' Making It 'Difficult' for Romney

New York Times reporters Jonathan Weisman and Michael Cooper both suggested Mitt Romney would be hurt by controversial comments on rape made by Indiana's Republican Senate candidate Richard ...
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