Jon Stewart, on Thursday's Daily Show, repeatedly mocked Rick Perry for his, as he put it, "brain turd" moment at this week's CNBC debate. Jon Stewart, on Thursday's Daily Show, repeatedly mocked ...
In his June 19 appearance on Fox News Sunday, Comedy Central host Jon Stewart fiercely denounced Fox News as uniquely biased, and slammed the network's viewers as "the most consistently ...
Normally the announcement that a government official is leaving a post to join a company they had oversight of would invoke cries of crony capitalism from the likes of NBC Nightly News anchor ...
On Tuesday's "Daily Show," liberal comedian Jon Stewart flashed a smirk and wondered why the conservative base of the Republican Party is "so easily ignitable." The comedian hosted former ...
"Did the bill pledging federal funds for the health care of 9/11 responders become law in the waning hours of the 111th Congress only because a comedian took it up as a personal cause? And does ...
During a Norah O'Donnell report, on Friday's Today, about how well books written by the likes of Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and Glenn Beck are selling, the New York Times' Jenny Schuessler ...
In interview with Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, 'The Daily Show' host doubles down on his critique of MSNBC for attempting to be a liberal version of FNC.
This has to be the most ridiculous spin to emerge to explain the Why the Republicans Massacred Us question: Obama didn't communicate his "accomplishments."
The New York Times flattered the cute and clever signs from the "overwhelming" crowd and live blogged Jon Stewart's event, which it failed to do for Glenn Beck's recent rally or the huge Tea Party ...
Good Morning America on Sunday skipped the hateful signs at Jon Stewart's rally in Washington D.C., Saturday. Reporter David Kerley instead played a clip of the comedian and hyped, "Comedy on the ...