
More Labeling Bias on Immigration: "Broad Effort" in Favor of Bill Includes No Liberals?

But "conservatives" are on the other side of the "diverse" groups in favor of the immigration bill.

Still No Liberals in the Immigration Debate

Sen. Ted Kennedy, just a "Democratic architect" of the liberal immigration bill.

"Strident" Conservative Busybodies with a "Black-and-White" Attitude Toward Illegals

How dare he: "[Steve] Levy has held to a black-and-white assertion: Illegal immigration is illegal, and should be punished."

Hillary in the "Sensible Center," Not Much of a Gambler

Except on cattle futures, perhaps?

Times Gripes About Lack of Abortion in "Knocked Up"

The Times gripes about a new hit comedy: "On Abortion, Hollywood Is No-Choice."

"Relentlessly Pro-American" Albania Welcomes Bush

A strange choice of words to characterize a pro-US country.

Conservative's Defeat Immigration Bill, Thanks to "Visceral" Repetition of "Hot-Button Word"

Julia Preston gives immigration "reform" opponents their due but still manages to condescend.

The Usual "Angry" Conservatives Oppose Bush on Immigration

The Times once again personalizes conservative opposition to Bush's amnesty plan as "vitriolic" ranting.

Simplistic Conservatives vs. "Complex," "Nuanced" Supporters of Immigration Bill

Jim Rutenberg falls back on a liberal conceit: "Conservative opponents can use one word, amnesty, against the bill. Supporters, the president included, are forced into the complex weeds of policy ...

Poor Sen. Kyl "Vilified" by "Angry," "Ferocious" Right for Immigration Bill

But does only one side of the amnesty debate vilify its opponents? A signed editorial calls anti-amnesty conservatives "un-American" and "the loud and loony right."
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