Richard Oppel Jr.: "As Mr. Perry has painted himself as the cure for Washington's ills, however, some his recent attacks have drifted into the realm of falsehood, repeating some of the themes of ...
Larry Rohter devotes his second story to the major news that some musicians are boycotting Arizona over its new immigration law: "For the singer Larry Hernandez, the 2010 Billboard Latin Music ...
Times reporter Larry Rohter during the campaign: "Under [Obama's] plan, only individuals making $200,000 or more and families earning more than $250,000 a year, accounting for less than 2 percent ...
Sheryl Gay Stolberg: "The traditional town hall meeting, a staple of Congressional constituent relations, had been hijacked, overrun by sophisticated social-networking campaigns - those on the ...
Reporter Larry Rohter uses a National Council of La Raza spokeswoman to bolster his thesis - the same spokeswoman who this year called for a "hate speech" ban on Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs for ...
A tale of two mailings: One reporter revels in the the AFL-CIO's big political push against McCain, while another laments ", harsh anti-Obama literature in my mailbox."
Don't cross our favorite candidate or this may happen to you: "As it turns out, Joe the Plumber...may work in the plumbing business, but he is not a licensed plumber....His full name is Samuel J. ...
A fact-checking flub by Larry Rohter: "Mr. McCain's claim has been called 'simply false' by the nonpartisan" vs. "McCain was right..."
Larry Rohter on Saturday claimed McCain was "simply false" to say that Obama voted to raise taxes on people making just $42,000 a year. On Tuesday, he wrote: "The bottom line is that if passed ...