In an analysis of two new campaign ads about the meltdown on Wall Street, the Times portrayed Obama as a skillful and honest orator, while McCain "got into trouble" with a statement Obama and the ...
Reporter Larry Rohter's pro-Obama fact-checking: McCain's accusations "seriously distort the record....old and discredited accusations." As if Barack Obama and Joe Biden never make faulty ...
With the U.S. succeeding in Iraq, the Times abruptly decides the war is no longer important to voters. Adam Nagourney: "Don't you think that people are thinking about different things right now?" ...
Rushing to Obama's aid: A comment from a "conservative" group "not only misrepresents what Mr. Obama said, it also ignores the views he has expressed in the past on the proper role of English and ...
Hitting McCain hard for implying liberal Obama will raise taxes: Economists of various ideological persuasions, however, view Mr. McCain's assessment as inaccurate or exaggerated. Some question ...
The paper won't let go of McCain's brief slip during Tuesday's questioning of Gen. David Petraeus when he described Al Qaeda as Shiite, and immediately corrected himself.