
NYT Public Editor Responds to Koch Industries, Laments Paper's One-Sided Liberal Opinion Slant

Writing on the hostility to Koch Industries that dominates the paper's opinion and critical writing, Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admitted he "would be happier if The Times had a more diverse ...

CNN Highlights 'Bad Memories, Bitterness Over Romney Past' In South Carolina

A report by CNN's David Mattingly that aired on Friday's The Situation Room emphasized the "bitter Bain memories" left in South Carolina from Bain Capital, the private equity firm that candidate ...

CNN's O'Brien Grills 'The Obamas' Author Over 'Controversial' Portrait of First Lady

In a testy interview Friday morning on CNN's Starting Point, host Soledad O'Brien gave New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor the third degree over the credibility of her new book "The Obamas." ...

FNC's Rivera Slams 'Hypocrite' Romney as 'Most Virulent Anti-Illegal Immigration Person'

As he appeared on Friday's The O'Reilly Factor, FNC's Geraldo Rivera called Mitt Romney a "hypocrite" for not mentioning his family connections to Mexico while campaigning against illegal immigration.

NBC's Lauer Asks: 'How Big a Gift' for Obama Are GOP Attacks on Romney?

On Friday's NBC Today, after touting an ad from the Democratic National Committee attacking Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital by using sound bites from his Republican opponents, co-host Matt ...

CBS Exposes 'the New Solyndras'; Will ABC and NBC Cover?

According to a CBS News investigation, the controversial government loan to now-bankrupt Solyndra wasn't an isolated incident. CBS This Morning reporter Sharyl Attkisson explained, "We identified ...

The Obamas Wish NBC's Today a Happy 60th Anniversary

Amid the 60th Anniversary celebrations on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer declared: "Remember the ad campaign over the years that called us, 'America's First Family'? Well, we are honored ...

Washington Post Veteran Disparages Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin as 'Right-Wing Nutjobs' with 'Wacky Conspiracy Theories'

Another bit of evidence emerged Thursday about how deeply ingrained anti-conservative hatred is inside America's newspapers, even amongst those who don't cover politics. John Kelly, a Washington ...

NBC Cheers: Michelle Obama 'Chose to Fight Back' Against 'Controversial New Book'

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed to viewers: "A new book you may have heard about written by a reporter for the New York Times about life in the Obama White House ...

Public Editor Asks if NYT Reporters Should Fact-Check, But They Already Do (the GOP, Anyway)

Public Editor Arthur Brisbane made waves by asking Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante? But the paper already is, at least against Republicans, replete with ardent defenses of liberal policy ...
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