
CNN Airs Another Soft Report on Hacker Group 'Anonymous'

The internet group "Anonymous" claimed to have shut down the websites of the Justice Department and FBI, but CNN's Amber Lyon aired another soft report on the group's escapades without any voices ...

Long Defense of NYT's Israel Coverage Utterly Fails to Rebut 'Toxic' Critics

It's no shock former Times reporter Neil Lewis would disagree with pro-Israel conservatives who criticize the Times for an anti-Israeli slant. What's odd is how weak his counter-evidence is. Lewis ...

NBC Touts 'Campaign Craziness' in 'Tumultuous' GOP Race

In an attempt to make the Republican presidential race appear chaotic, on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry turned to White House correspondent Chuck Todd and declared: "Even the word ...

Smarmy Brian Ross Touts His 'January Surprise,' Eagerly Digs for Gingrich's 'Skeletons'

ABC trotted out the "best of" Newt Gingrich slams on Thursday, finally revealing the results of an exhaustive Brian Ross interview with Marianne Gingrich, the former Speaker's ex-wife. Ross ...

South Carolina: Not Quite as Backward as It Used to Be

How nice: "People like Chip Townsend, an engineer who moved his family to Greenville from Boulder, Colo., in 2006, discovered that the state is not an insular, ultraconservative bosom of the ...

'Today' Show Groupies Fawn Over 'Crooner-in-Chief' Obama: 'He Could Be on The Voice'

Having apparently run out of actual news to cover on Friday, the cast of NBC's Today gushed over President Obama singing a line from the song "Let's Stay Together" during a fundraiser at the ...

CNN Hints At 'Racial Coding' In Gingrich's Words

On Thursday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien insinuated that candidate Newt Gingrich speaks with a "racial coding" on the campaign trail.

CBS's Rose Touts NY Times Spin on Romney's Wealth Being 'New Hurdle'

Charlie Rose ripped a new liberal line of attack on Mitt Romney right out of the New York Times on Thursday's CBS This Morning, as he interviewed top Romney backer Chris Christie. Rose played up ...

Networks Deride Romney for 'Paying So Little' in Taxes, Ignore That Only Three Percent Pay More

All three networks, the New York Times and NPR obsessed over the revelation that Mitt Romney's tax bracket is in the 15 percent range. ABC's Jon Karl wondered, "How did Romney get away with paying ...

NBC's Lauer Presses Chris Christie: Isn't Obama Class Warfare Really About 'Unfairness'?

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pushed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to agree that President Obama's effort to pit economic classes against one another is just a matter of ...
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