
Media Let Left Play War Games with Libya

Few journalists note liberal shift from 'make love, not war' to 'make war.'

Media Let Left Play War Games with Libya

Few journalists note liberal shift from 'make love, not war' to 'make war.'

Rosenthal Tackles Liberal NIMBYism on the Environment

After writing on how everything is global warming's fault, Elisabeth Rosenthal faults liberals for talking a good game on the environment, until things get too close: "Park Slope, Brooklyn. Cape ...

CBS Declares Wisconsin Union Protests 'Tea Party Movement for the Left'

Discussing the union protests in Wisconsin with political analyst John Dickerson on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge noted: "You talk about this being a potential Tea Party movement ...

CBS Sees 'Conservatives' Wanting to Restrict Abortion, But No 'Liberal' Label for Pro-Choice Advocates

On Thursday's CBS Evening News, after recounting for the second time the case of Philadelphia abortion Dr. Kermit Gosnell's horrific practice, anchor Katie Couric introduced a piece devoted to ...

Scarborough Again Hits the Right (But Ignores the Left) In Newest Politico Column

Carrying his sermonizing from his MSNBC morning show to Politico, Joe Scarborough railed against inflammatory political rhetoric in his latest column ' but hit conservative talk while ignoring ...

MRC Study: By 8-to-1 Margin, Media Target Conservative Speech after Tucson Shooting

Networks' Attempt at a National Debate on Civility Virtually Ignores Offensive Remarks of Liberals

CBS 'Early Show': 'Centrist' Bill Daley Means White House 'Open for Business'

Friday's CBS Early Show praised the pick of former Commerce Secretary William Daley as the new chief of staff for the Obama White House, with senior White House correspondent Bill Plante ...

Aaron Sorkin: Palin is 'Idiot' and 'Mean Woman,' Republicans 'Have Moved into a Mental Institution'

Appearing as a guest in a pre-recorded interview on Wednesday's Parker-Spitzer on CNN to promote his film The Social Network, television and film producer Aaron Sorkin trashed Sarah Palin as an ...
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