
Wonders Never Cease: NYT Calls Obama a Liberal on Front Page

Robin Toner looks at the voting records of Clinton and Obama and discovers that both are liberal.

Krugman on "Journalists Who Hate the Clintons"

Paul Krugman fires back on Hillary-hating Obama-supporters: "As I've said, you've been played like a fiddle by journalists who hate the Clintons, and just make stuff up about how evil they are."

Ludicrous Lionel

The Media Assault on American Values

The conflict between the media, personal responsibility and respect for religion.

Puzzling Correction Priorities at the Times

The Times gets tough: "The editors would not have published the article if they had been aware of these errors." And just what was this grievous offense?

Election Over, the Times Finds Some Liberals in Congress

Just in time not to scare away Democratic voters: "In the House, Democratic unity could also be tested in relations between the new committee chairmen - many of whom are liberal veterans who ...

Karl Rove Offends Liberals

Pulling for Rush

Media Bias Destroyed Democratic Dreams?

Blaming "Conservative Media" for Democratic Losses, Pundits Demand Still More Liberal Media Bias

Jonathan Alter, Bite Your Tongue

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