
Media Research Center

ABC's GMA, NBC's Today Fail to Report Susan Rice's Now-Disputed Claims About Libya Consulate Attack

ABC's Good Morning America hasn't once reported on U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's claim on the September 16 edition of This Week that the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya ...
Media Research Center

Making "Earthquakes" for Romney

When the leftist magazine Mother Jones released a Romney "secret tape," the network carnival barkers erupted with the chants of  “bombshell” and  “earthquake” for the Republican campaign.
Media Research Center

NYT's Parker Sees No Damaging 'Bumps in the Road' for Obama Campaign, Merely Romney 'Talking Points'

New York Times reporter Ashley Parker saw no gaffe or political damage for Barack Obama, merely "talking points" for an attacking Mitt Romney, after the president referred to events in the Middle ...
Media Research Center

Today Show Pushes New Obama Ad Three Times, Skips Libya Scandal

NBC's Today show mentioned the Obama campaign's newest attack ad three times on Monday, but not once did they report on developments in the wake of deadly attacks in Libya. Questions are being ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Punt on Latest Developments in Libya Consulate Attack; CBS Highlights State Department vs. CNN

On Monday, ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today failed to air any full reports on the continuing inquiry into the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and mentioned the ...
Media Research Center

NBC and MSNBC, Networks of Wusses

The Peacock Networks think like their analyst Ed Rendell, who supports our government apologizing to radical Muslims for people who mock their religion on the Internet.
Media Research Center

CNN Punts on Obama Dereliction In Libya In Favor of Romney Tape

Just how bad is the media's track record this election season? On Monday, CNN's Anderson Cooper led his show with a manufactured Mitt Romney controversy instead of news that the U.S. may have ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Gives Obama Front Page for Tough Talk on Egypt, Skips Yemen Attacks

The New York Times lets Obama play tough in a front-page story, but skips the attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen, which the Washington Post fronts. From the Times: "The president was not happy; ...
Media Research Center

Islam’s Media Apologists Keep Excusing, Ignoring Violence

On Sept. 11, 2012, riots erupted in Egypt, Libya and now Yemen, ostensibly over what the media call an anti-Muslim Youtube video made in America. In Bengazi, militants murdered the United ...
Media Research Center

FNC's Kirsten Powers Slams 'Utterly Insane' Media 'Obsession' With Attacking Romney

Appearing on Fox News's America Live on Thursday, Daily Beast columnist and Democratic pundit Kirsten Powers ripped the liberal media for expressing more outrage over Mitt Romney's reaction to ...
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