Live Earth

Journalists Contribute to Power Gridlock

Media now worry whether there's enough energy to keep cool, but they've opposed nuclear, coal and more.

'World News' Hits the (Water) Bottle Again

For the second night, ABC targets the bottled water industry's impact on the environment.

Environmentalist Kennedy Name-Calls During 'Live Earth'

Skeptical politicians called 'traitors' and 'indentured servants.'

Gore Can't Even Recite His Global Warming Pledge Accurately

Former vice president's media barrage misstates which nations would pay the price for his plans.

Vieira Relentlessly Presses Gore about Presidency

NBC 'Today' anchor urges former VP to run in segment promoting 'Live Earth' concerts.

Too Busy Admiring Greens to Notice What They're Really About

Environmentalists want to limit our society and your behavior, but you won't hear that from the media.
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