Adam Nagourney on Tuesday morning, hypothesizing a Scott Brown victory and already discounting its import: "If he does win, what meaning does the victory hold a month from now, much less 11 months ...
The networks didn't highlight it, but here's what should not be forgotten about the Massachusetts Senate race: the sheer meanness of Martha Coakley and her campaign character assassins.
When Democrats lose, liberal reporters tend to see anger and fear, and never positive motivations. CNN reporter Jessica Yellin found the "anger and fear" during live coverage just after 10 pm ...
While it is well known that MSNBC's Keith Olbermann is the most viciously liberal voice to host a news program within the mainstream media, he usually tones down his anti-conservative, ...
On Monday's AC360, CNN's Jessica Yellin spun the rise of Republican candidate Scott Brown as coming from "folks here in Massachusetts [who] are feeling angry and scared. They're angry and scared ...
As the Mass. Senate race goes down to the wire, the Times is still defending Democratic candidate Martha Coakley: "After Career as Their Advocate, Coakley May Face Voters' Wrath." The Times has ...
Michael Cooper presented only the Democratic side of a vulgar video from a Scott Brown rally: "Some hoped that the video would arouse anger among rank-and-file Democrats and cause a backlash, the ...
In an obvious last-minute attempt to tip the vote in Massachusetts, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann unleashed against GOP Senate candidate Scott Brown on Monday's Countdown, calling him "an irresponsible, ...
While Utah, Oklahoma, and any Deep South state is bluntly called conservative by the Times, the Times entertains doubts as to whether Massachusetts really qualifies as a liberal enclave. An ...