
Media Research Center

Obama the Compromiser vs. Pig-Headed Republicans

CBS fawns over Obama ("It seems to be all the compromising is being done by you...") while blaming Republicans for "much of the gridlock" in DC. Also, Chris Matthews suggests nominating Gingrich ...

During NH Debate, ABC's Stephanopoulos Presses Romney on Contraception

During Saturday's Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire host by ABC, co-moderator George Stephanopoulos bizarrely pressed candidate Mitt Romney on whether states should have the ...

CNN's O'Brien to Romney: Won't Your Immigration Stance Drive Latinos to Obama?

CNN's Soledad O'Brien tried to make race an issue on Tuesday where there was no conflict to begin with, and she continued thumping Republicans over immigration on Wednesday. O'Brien asked ...

CBS Promoted 'Humanized' Hillary in '08; Hounds Romney in 2012

CBS revealed its double standard in its treatment of Republican presidential candidates versus Democratic ones on Wednesday's Early Show, as Jim Axelrod and Nancy Cordes pressed Mitt Romney about ...

Stephanopoulos' Spin: Romney's 'Reassuring' of Conservatives Will 'Turn Off' Moderates?

Former top Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday wondered if Mitt Romney's attempt to "reassure" conservative voters would end up "turning off" moderates and ...

Parker Celebrates 'Obama's Eloquent and Inspiring Rhetoric...Soaring Remarks' of 2008

In a story about Mitt Romney, reporter Ashley Parker sounds wistful over Obama's 2008 Iowa campaign oratory: "But Mr. Romney is also using the patriotic songs to try to elevate his own political ...

Parker Dwells on Robotic Romney's 'Peculiar Habit,' Spells Out His Ha-Ha's

"When Mitt Romney introduces himself to voters, he has a peculiar habit of guessing their age or nationality, often incorrectly." More of Romney as robot: The Times feels the need to spell out ...

Schieffer: Romney 'Has Taken Such a Hard Line' on Illegal Immigration

CBS's Bob Schieffer displayed his liberal leanings on Sunday's Face the Nation when he raised the issue of illegal immigration. Schieffer claimed during an interview of Newt Gingrich that "Mitt ...

CBS Plays Up ObamaCare 'Success', Omits Group's Liberal Leanings

CBS Evening News on Wednesday hyped the "early success" of a provision of ObamaCare which allows young adults under the age of 26 to stay on their parents' health care. Correspondent Wyatt Andrews ...

MSNBC Anchor Who Smeared 'KKK' Romney Wonders If Obama Will Win in a 'Landslide'

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts, who on Wednesday linked Mitt Romney to the Ku Klux Klan, on Thursday wondered if Barack Obama is headed for a "landslide" reelection. Teasing an interview, Roberts hyped, ...
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