
NBC's Lauer to Dan Quayle: Wasn't Romney 'Wrong' and Obama 'Right' on Auto Bailout?

In an interview with former Vice President Dan Quayle on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pushed Quayle to admit that Mitt Romney was wrong to oppose Obama's auto bailout: "[He] said, 'You ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Morning Show Host Gets Chance to Jab GOPers in Primetime

Debate Moderator Stephanopoulos Hits Republican Candidates from the Left on Good Morning America

'Crate-Gate' Continues; Collins Calls Cain, Other GOP Candidates 'Nutjobs'

Gail Collins has now mentioned Mitt Romney's dog strapped to a crate on a car roof 28 times in columns. She also referred to Herman Cain and other GOP candidates as "nutjobs," while her ...

CBS Omits Bill Ayers Context of Obama Clip Used in Romney Ad

CBS's Early Show on Wednesday boosted a claim by Democrats that a recent Mitt Romney ad takes a line from a 2008 speech by then-candidate Barack Obama out of context. However, CBS noted at that ...

NYTimes Again Finds 'Far Right Wing' of GOP; Yet to Locate Dems' 'Far Left Wing'

There they go again. Reporters Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg: "The easy treatment of Mr. Romney has also allowed him to avoid getting mired in promises to the far right wing of his party...."

Times Again Finds 'Far Right Wing' of GOP; Yet to Locate Dems' 'Far Left Wing'

There they go again. Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg: "The easy treatment of Mr. Romney has also allowed him to avoid getting mired in promises to the far right wing of his party...."

Keller Sees Path to Victory for Mitt 'Let Them Eat Cake' Romney, the 'Sane' Republican

In his latest column, former executive editor Bill Keller picks out the "sane" GOP candidate, Mitt "Let them eat cake" Romney, and predicts "Newt Gingrich will pass like a tantrum."

CBS: Does Gingrich Need to 'Play A Little More Dirty' in GOP Contest?

On Monday's Early Show, CBS's Rebecca Jarvis wondered if Newt Gingrich would "have to play a little more take on the other GOP contenders to win the bid." Bob Schieffer replied ...

Jon Stewart Revels in Rick Perry's 'Brain Turd' Moment as the 'Dope Diamond'

Jon Stewart, on Thursday's Daily Show, repeatedly mocked Rick Perry for his, as he put it, "brain turd" moment at this week's CNBC debate. Jon Stewart, on Thursday's Daily Show, repeatedly mocked ...

Seat-Mate-Gate? More Silly Sniping at 'Aloof...Wooden' Mitt Romney

More silly sniping at Mitt Romney: "According to Ms. McClanahan, about an hour into the flight....she told him her idea for improving the American health care system: 'He looked at me blankly and ...
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