GE's Jeff Immelt: Global Warming 'Compelling'; Cap-and-Trade Most 'Effective' Way to Go

CEO of parent company of NBC Universal argues for carbon price to create 'certainty.'

Contessa Brewer: GOP Thinks 'Americans Are a Bunch of Idiots'

MSNBC host Contessa Brewer derided Republicans for using the word socialist in reference to Barack Obama's economic policies on Wednesday, complaining, "Well, maybe they think Americans are a ...

Matthews to Skeptical Congressman: 'Are You a Luddite, a Troglodyte?'

MSNBC host belittles California congressman Dana Rohrabacher for not buying into man-caused global warming.

Andrea Mitchell Features 'Good Republican' Chris Shays to Critique Steele

Who did MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell feature to respond to Michael Steele's Tuesday speech about the future of the Republican Party? Chris Shays, the liberal, former Republican congressman with a ...

Question Whether CO2 is a Pollutant and MSNBC's Schultz Calls it 'Psycho Talk'

Left-wing radio and TV host assails Rep. Joe Barton for pointing out a flaw in EPA's regulation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant.

Tina Brown Slams Dick Cheney's 'Crazy Jihad' and 'Hate-Fest'

Former New Yorker editor Tina Brown appeared on Tuesday's Morning Joe on MSNBC to rail against the "crazy jihad" and "one-man...hate-fest" of Dick Cheney. Brown, who is now the editor of the Daily ...

Another Day, Another Softball MSNBC Interview with Perez Hilton

Network's Brewer bemoans the lack of apology from Miss California to vulgar blogger.

Former CNBC Host Crosses Over to MSNBC to Bash Abstinence, GOP

Dylan Ratigan, appears on 'Countdown' to announce his new show and run down social conservatism.

Media Deride Tax Haven 'Cheats' and 'Loopholes;' Ignore Benefits

Broadcast news portray Obama policy as increasing government revenue; MSNBC, CNN depict it as eliminating unethical behavior.

Shuster-fied Tolerance

Inflammatory MSNBC reporter lectures Joe the Plumber on accepting others.
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