Olbermann Launches into Anti-Tea Party, Anti-Tax Haven, Anti-Fox Business Rant

'Countdown' host still laments Bush presidency; blasts tax havens despite sister network CNBC cheerleading them.

MSNBC's Sexist Hypocrisy: Open Season on Conservative Women

In America, only liberal women enjoy protection from public degradation and disgusting characterizations.

MSNBC: The Place for Low-Brow 'Teabag' Humor

Network's primetime shows repeatedly use sexual slang to refer to taxpayer tea party protests.

Media Irked by Bachus' 'Socialist' Label; Ignores Double Standard

Bachus rebuked on MSNBC for claims of 17 socialists in the House of Reps, despite recent Newsweek cover claiming 'We're All Socialist Now.'

MSNBC Pro-Union Host Ed Schultz Received $22K from Labor in 2008

New TV talking head took money in 2008 from steelworker, air traffic controller and plumber unions for speaking, public relations fees.

Krugman: Obama-Inspired Positive Polling Data Not Enough for Economy

Liberal NYT columnist tells MSNBC's Maddow public sentiment doesn't compensate for underlying problems.

Ignoring Democratic Hypocrisy, Zinging GOP

While Democrats Run the Entire Government, Nakedly Partisan MSNBC Goes After GOP 'Hypocrites'

Glenn Beck "Apocalyptic," Leftists Hosts Maddow and Olbermann Never Criticized

The Times quoted several critics of Fox News provocateur Glenn Beck, but has hardly ever found critics of MSNBC leftist hosts Rachel Maddow and the paranoid, vitriolic Keith Olbermann.

The Obamathon Continues

And we're all 'Barry's Kids' now.
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