Burnett: McCain Win Might Give Stocks 'Big Pop,' Market 'Priced In Obama'

CNBC Anchor says Obama win would not boost markets, but 60 seat majority 'matters' to Wall Street.

Olbermann Distorts Limbaugh's Obama Critique as Pro-Slavery

Conservative talk show host says Democratic presidential candidate rejected constitution for lack of redistributive powers, not for race reasons.

Maddow Claims Obama 'Socialist' Label is 'Racially Divisive'

Liberal MSNBC host says McCain-Palin critique of wealth redistribution tax plan an effort to 'summon and stoke' the Bradley Effect.

MSNBC Host Attacks Limbaugh for Questioning Powell Endorsement

'Politics of Money' anchor Brewer asks where radio host 'gets off' suggesting support for Obama is about race.

NYT's Krugman Predicts 'Partial and Temporary Nationalization of Financial System'

Liberal economist tells MSNBC's Maddow bailout is a failure and predicts government takeover 'with almost 100-percent confidence.'

Time Warp: Magazine Award Finalist for Offensive Iwo Jima Cover

Magazine editors honor global warming image that angered veterans.

O'Donnell Calls Senate Bailout Bill a Decorated 'Christmas Tree'

MSNBC chief Washington correspondent questions funding for alternative energy projects in rescue legislation.

McCain Adviser: Treasury Doesn't Need Congress for Bailout

Holtz-Eakin claims law already allows for $700 billion bailout without congressional authority; CNBC's Burnett disputes claim.

CNBC: McCain Campaign 'Over-the-Top' for Pointing Out NYT Bias

John Harwood portrays McCain strategy as a distraction stemming from 'frustration' on MSNBC's 'Countdown.'
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