On Sunday, both ABC and NBC did their best to play up a new United Nations report on climate change, proclaiming its findings to be “alarming.” On GMA, newsreader Ron Claiborne hyped how ...
NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck
Todd accepted the premise of Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu’s charge
that anti-Obama racism is behind opposition to her ...
As of Thursday morning, both ABC and NBC have ignored the latest rift in the relationship between the United States and Israel as “a senior Obama administration official” told Jeffrey Goldberg of ...
ABC and NBC failed to cover the upcoming midterm elections during their Wednesday evening broadcasts, but instead devoted over three-and-a-half minutes going after New Jersey Governor Chris ...
NBC Nightly News showered praise on President Obama regarding his Ebola response on Tuesday night, declaring that Obama was “hitting back” and “[came] out swinging in this fight over quarantines” ...
As of Monday night, the major English and Spanish broadcast networks have blacked out all mention of remarks made by Hillary Clinton on Friday at a campaign event for Massachusetts Democratic ...
On Sunday night, NBC Nightly News covered First Lady Michelle Obama’s busy campaign schedule with just over one week to go until Election Day. Unfortunately, in their rush to play up her midterm ...
On Thursday night, ABC and NBC continued to make no mention of a damning report by USA Today that the Obama administration covered up the release of illegal immigrants from prisons who had ...
Throughout the entire plagiarism scandal involving Democratic Senator John Walsh (Mont.), the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have combined for only one story in the form of a news brief ...
On Wednesday, the results of the St. Louis County autopsy of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who died after being shot by Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson on August ...