NBC: Stimulus Started Economic 'Healing,' Auto Bailout Was a 'Gutsy Call' by Obama

An otherwise straightforward report on bad economic news on Friday's NBC Today cited economist Diane Swonk, who argued government stimulus prevented things from getting worse: "We basically had a ...

Commentary: Exposing the Hollywood 'Clique'

Tinseltown Executives Admit Liberal Bias

NBC Wonders How 'Rising Star' Weiner Can Get Pic Scandal 'Behind Him'

At the top of Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Meredith Vieira worried about the impact of the Twitter photo scandal on Congressman Anthony Weiner's career: "Will the scandal and his response to it ...

NBC's Curry Whines About Palin's 'Bad Relationship' with Media, 'Not Playing Well' With GOP

On Wednesday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Ann Curry fretted over Sarah Palin not sucking up to the press, complaining "[she] seems to delight in having a bad relationship with what she calls the ...

NBC's Harwood: Palin 'Next to Zero Chance of Being Elected President'

As broadcast news programs over the weekend gave attention to Sarah Palin's bus tour which was viewed as a possible prelude to a presidential run, NBC correspondent John Harwood had one of the ...

Morning Shows Tout White House Claim that 'Distraction' Sarah Palin Is 'Re-Election Insurance'

Covering the growing buzz that Sarah Palin might mount a 2012 presidential campaign, the morning shows on Friday repeated liberal talking points proclaiming that it would be a disaster. Good ...

NBC's Gregory: Paul Ryan is 'Hurting the Republican Party' With Medicare Reform Push

Appearing on Friday's NBC Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory largely dismissed the possibility of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan entering the 2012 presidential race: "He's got some of his ...

NBC's Today Helps Sell Government Gimmick to Show Obama 'Gets It' on High Gas Prices

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer invited on Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to tout federally mandated stickers that detail the fuel efficiency of new cars: "Another way to save ...

Networks Skip Ed Schultz's Smearing of Laura Ingraham as a 'Right-Wing Slut,' Hyped Imus' 'Ho' Scandal

The network evening news programs on Wednesday and morning shows on Thursday skipped covering the suspension of MSNBC host Ed Shultz for trashing Laura Ingraham as a "right-wing slut." Yet, these ...
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