NBC Trumpeted the Launch of Liberal 'Counterweight' Air America, Skips Demise of Radio Network

When the liberal radio network Air America debuted on March 31, 2004, NBC trumpeted it as the "counterweight" to the "right-wing bent" of talk radio. Katie Couric enthused that Al Franken and his ...

Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three Minutes of Coverage

ABC, CBS and NBC briefly mention corporate donations in wall-to-wall Haiti reporting.

Halperin: Obama's Done 'Extraordinary Job'; Woodward: He's No European Socialist

On Sunday's Meet the Press, Mark Halperin of Time and formerly with ABC News, hailed Barack Obama as having done "an extraordinary job [as President]...under difficult circumstances." On the same ...

Blame Republicans' "Unified Opposition" for Obama's Woes?

On Sunday's Today, co-anchor Jenna Wolfe targeted the state of the economy and Republican opposition - not the substance of President Obama's policies - for his drop in popularity. Wolfe lectured ...

NBC: 'Historic Upset' in MA 'Political Crisis' for Obama

On Saturday's Today, co-anchor Amy Robach referred to a potential Republican victory in the Massachusetts Senate race as "a crisis potentially looming here at home" for President Obama. Guest Joe ...

TV's Tilted Take on Harry Reid's "Negro" Remark

MRC Study: Race Controversy Buried After Four Days; Networks Gave Most Airtime to Reid Backers

Network Evening Newcasts Ignore Resignation of Disgraced Baltimore Mayor; Morning Shows Forget Dem Label

While the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore, Shelia Dixon, resigned on Wednesday amid a criminal scandal, the evening news programs on NBC, ABC, and CBS all failed to mention the political downfall.

NBC Highlights (But ABC Skips) Obama Aide's Love Child Scandal

Nine days after ABC announced on Good Morning America that financial correspondent Bianna Golodryga would be marrying top Obama official Peter Orszag, NBC's Today made sure to highlight the ...

Networks Downplay $42 Million in 'Outrageous' Bonuses, 'Unlimited' Bailout of Fannie, Freddie

Journalists critical of pay at bailed out banks muster only 175 words to report compensation of Fannie execs.
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