Media Revelation: Ethanol is Causing Inflation

CNBC's Cramer confronts Clinton on ethanol fallacy in interview; 'Nightly News' admits corn is causing higher food prices.

ABC: Threat of Climate Change on Par with Nuclear War

'Good Morning America' explores 'Doomsday Vault' built in case of 'worst predictions of global warming.'

ElectionWatch: 'Nightly News' Recycles 'It's the Economy Stupid'

NBC report looks to government policy for economic solutions, ignores what's good about the economy.

Religion in America and on the Network News

It's always interesting to see how different news organizations report the exact same information.

NBC Prediction of $4 Gas Falls Way Short

'Street Signs' anchor Burnett's warned of price spike that never materialized.

'Nightly News' Rails Against Coal Over Climate Change -- Again

NBC airs one-sided segment against a new coal-fired plant, which would bring jobs to a beleaguered Nevada economy.

FCC Complaint Filed Against NBC's Las Vegas

Show aired one day after Jane Fonda dropped the c-word on NBC's Today.

Ratings Gimmick Trumps Environmental Concern on 'Today'

NBC morning hosts and crew 'vacation' in Vermont and Florida, forgetting previous calls for 'green' living.

ElectionWatch: Networks Downplay Earmarks, Despite Millions Spent by Clinton and Obama

Print outlets and CNN report findings from budget watchdog, but study completely ignored by CBS.

Missing: Media Criticism of OPEC

After oil spikes above $100 a barrel, condemnation of OPEC's decision to put less oil on the market nowhere to be found.
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