Football Goes Black to Hype NBC's 'Green Week'

Other programming with include green soap opera wedding, lame cheerleading, eco-karaoke and Al Gore.

'Going Green' Puts Business in the Red

Media praise businesses for eco-attitudes, but overlook hefty cost.

'Middle School Kids are Having Sex!'

Rather than a call for contraception, shouldn't that be a wakeup call to our culture?

NBC, Matt Lauer Taking Larry Craig Interview Into Prime Time

The bias is clear: NBC's Today show led with Republican Sen. Larry Craig six times in seven days, but mentioned Democratic Rep. William Jefferson's bribery scandal only once.

Gore Wins Thanks to Media's Fever Pitch on Global Warming

Climate alarmist receives Nobel Peace Prize with conveniently red hot support from journalists.

Networks Give More Time to Democratic Critics of Blackwater 'Mercenaries'

Both CBS and NBC also overlook the $100 million saved by hiring private contractor versus the government providing security through State Department.

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

They May Be Sexy, but Dirty Businessmen Return to Prime Time

New fall shows continue the trend of twisted, troubled, unethical businessmen as characters.

TV Critic Sniffs Out Pro-Life Message in NBC's "Journeyman"

Ginia Bellafante: "We don't know how Dan has received his special skill, but we can guess that it wasn't bestowed by the National Organization for Women."

RealtyTrac Says Media Misrepresent Data

Company responds to criticism of foreclosure data and defends analysis.
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