
NBC's Williams Blames Obama's Plummeting Approval on Getting Dragged Into Gulf Oil Leak

NBC's Brian Williams and Savannah Guthrie lamented the public's swing against Obama as Williams attributed it to how Obama "had to touch" the gulf oil leak, "he had to own it and now he's getting ...

ABC and NBC Describe Arizona Law as 'Anti-Immigration' and 'Harsh'

Network anchors can't resist misconstruing Arizona's upcoming immigration enforcement law. The latest instances came Friday night when Diane Sawyer erroneously described the anti-illegal ...

Network News Shows Largely Skip President's $50 Billion Spending Request

The network morning and evening news shows have all but ignored President Obama's Saturday letter to congressional leaders asking for $50 billion in additional spending to prevent the "massive ...

Obama's Knowing 'Whose Ass to Kick' Pledge Continues to Delight TV Network Journalists

More than 24 hours after NBC's Matt Lauer prompted him to say it in an interview, the morning programs all showcased it ' and even after day-long playback on the cable channels ' CBS and NBC on ...

NBC Leads by Touting Obama Showing 'Anger' by Promising to 'Kick Ass'

Insular liberal-media cycle: Liberal columnists demand that President Obama show "anger" over BP's oil leak, Obama promises NBC's Matt Lauer that he's determining "whose ass to kick" and so Brian ...

ABC and NBC Champion Illegal Alien Cause: 'Will an Army of Protesters Be Heard?'

Another pro-illegal alien protest and, once again, the networks champion the cause. "Day of outrage, anger on the streets of Phoenix and across this country tonight," ABC anchor David Muir ...

Nets Embrace 'Did You Plug the Hole Yet, Daddy?' Anecdote to Humanize Obama

The White House press corps just loved President Obama's press conference anecdote ("When I woke up this morning, and I'm shaving and Malia knocks on my bathroom door and she peeks in her head and ...

Nets Dig Out 'Plug the Damn Hole' Quote to Buck Up 'Frustrated' Obama's Credibility on Oil Spill

CBS and NBC on Tuesday night reached deep into a Washington Post story ' specifically, the 20th paragraph of a 24-paragraph article ' to pluck out a quote in order to demonstrate a "frustrated" ...

Hostile ABC and NBC Deride Texas Conservatives for 'Rewriting' and 'Whitewashing' History

ABC and NBC rushed to get stories onto the air Friday night delivering left-wing talking points against the new social studies curriculum guidelines passed by the Texas State Board of Education, ...

Nets All Showcase Fearful 2nd Grader's Question to FLOTUS on Lacking 'Papers,' ABC Heralds It As 'Poignant'

ABC, CBS and NBC all showcased a second grader's question to Michelle Obama: "Barack Obama is taking everybody away that doesn't have papers," but "my mom doesn't have papers." ABC suggested it ...
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