4/10/2010 4:51 PM ET
An AP dispatch, "Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax," has drawn little attention on television news beyond a morning segment on CNN and some commentary on FNC where Neil Cavuto ...
10/14/2009 3:56 PM ET
Macro Portfolio Advisors VP Jim Lacamp says if Bush fault for the economic collapse, you have to give credit for rescue moves made in late 2008.
6/19/2009 4:47 PM ET
Eric Bolling of 'Happy Hour' explains Iranian instability might force $200-barrel oil; says Israel the wildcard.
6/18/2009 8:22 AM ET
Fox News host claims President's proposed health care wouldn't necessarily help poor, but would help Jon and Kate plus eight.
4/13/2009 12:32 PM ET
Spurred by new 'millionaire tax' Limbaugh tells FOX there will be an exodus from New York.
3/26/2009 9:16 AM ET
Says president 'wants to nationalize the banks, he wants a socialist economy.'
1/19/2009 4:57 PM ET
Former governor tells Fox's Cavuto most Republicans abandoned fiscal restraint, aren't asking tough questions about proposal.
1/12/2009 2:51 PM ET
'Cavuto on Business' mentions 'encouraging signs' about the economy.
12/2/2008 1:55 PM ET
Virg Bernero says letting Big Three 'fall by the wayside' will 'hurt national security.'
10/1/2008 10:34 AM ET
A few in the media act responsibly to set a steady tone, but too many choose Great Depression theme.