
No Talk of the Poor or Unemployed As 'The Six-Figure Fish Tank Catches On'

In today's recession, the Times highlights the "wow factor" of high-end aquariums without flinching into an outburst of decrying "conspicuous consumption."

Times Plays Up Sharron Angle's 'Awkward Retreats' from 'Hardline Positions'

Reporter Adam Nagourney puts all the pressure on Harry Reid's Republican challenger and her "politically intemperate remarks" and "hardline positions." There's still no mention of Reid's unpopular ...

Gay Journalists Tout 'Brilliant' Work of 'Gay Mafia' in Adding Bias to the Times

Apparently The New York Times is remarkably "progressive" on gay issues - but somehow, it's still impossible for conservatives to suggest there's a liberal bias.

Media Use Crazy Weather to Hype Global Warming, Despite Admissions Weather Isn't Climate

From Associated Press to national newspapers, coverage of floods, fires, droughts, sinkholes make 'case' for global warming alarmism.

Tom DeLay Cleared: Times Puts Story on A-18

When ethics probers drop an investigation into a conservative, it's apparently less newsworthy than weeds at organic golf courses.

Conservative Author Cancels Subscription to the Garish 'Gray Lady'

"For years now she has been going heavy on the rouge, lipstick, and eyeliner, using a push-up bra, and gadding about in stiletto heels. She's become a bit perhaps more than a bit of a slut, ...

The Shifting Sands of Krugman's Column

James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal finds inconsistencies in his arguments on Angela Merkel's Germany and the solvency of Social Security.

Extreme Weather Again Excites Extreme Greens on the Front Page of the Times

Global-warming skeptics appeared briefly in paragraph 16 and were followed immediately with rebuttal by reporter Justin Gillis.

Todd Purdum Pans 'Perverse Rituals' and 'Profound Silliness' of the Adversary Press

The former New York Times White House correspondent of the Clinton era thinks his successors in the Obama era are making a mess of the press.

Against Stubborn Facts: 9/11 'Not a Religious Event'?

Dismissing opponents as full of 'vitriol' and 'bigotry,' the Times editorializes that somehow, the Islamic extremists were committing a secular crime, regardless of their stated intentions.
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