
More Flimflammery from Pompous Paul Krugman: No 'Ad Hominem' Attacks Here!

Krugman has an announcement for his credulous Times readers: Constantly (and embarrassingly) calling a serious conservative politician a "flimflam" man is not an ad hominem attack; accurately ...

'Nativist Impulse' Behind Conservative Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Matt Bai attacked as nativist impulse conservative protest against a mosque at Ground Zero and attempts to deny citizenship to children born of illegals building a mosque near Ground Zero. To make ...

The Times Still Can't Find the Answer (Coalition)

For the second time in under a month the Times runs photos from a protest without identifying the two hard-left groups in the picture: The Stalinist ANSWER coalition and the anti-war Code Pink.

Zing! Paul Krugman Says Rep. Paul Ryan's 'Drenched in Flimflam Sauce' - But Own Source Disputes Him

The economist turned left-wing talking points parrot shows his way with an incisive insult by mocking conservative Republican budget-whiz Rep. Paul Ryan as a "flimflam man" whose work is "drenched ...

Gail Collins Goes After John Boehner, Joe the Plumber, and Pool-Hall Owners

Watch as the Times' columnist, in a full-force snob-a-thon, exposes the self-evident silliness of plumbers, pool-hall owners, and the majority of Missourians opposed to Obama-care.

Kirk Johnson, Once Again, Uncovers an Anti-Conservative Backlash Out West

Reporter Kirk Johnson plugs for a Colorado Democrat congresswoman who "said she hoped talk [of the "rabid tone" of the Tea Party movement] would work to her advantage and that of other Democrats. ...

In Wake of Prop 8 Defeat, Times Reflects on Gay Marriage as 'Wedge Issue'

A federal judge's ruling against Prop 8, the 2008 voter initiative banning gay marriage in California, was the source of editorial joy: "...a stirring and eloquently reasoned denunciation of all ...

Far-Left Terrorist Helpers Just 'Human Rights Lawyers' at the NYT

Charlie Savage again finds benign terms to describe the far-left outfit Center for Constitutional Rights in its quest to assist alleged Christmas airline bombing plotter Anwar al-Awlaki.

Times Leaves Out Enormity of Obama-Care's Defeat in Missouri

Monica Davey covers the vote on a Missouri measure that would nullify a key element of Obama-care, but leaves off the figures: Obama-care went down to defeat by an enormous margin - 71%-29%, ...

Times Reporters Hail Mayor Bloomberg's Weepy Defense of Ground Zero Mosque

The Times again suggests opposition to a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero is coming from interfering outsiders, and dances around the awkward question of the project's secret funding. Meanwhile, ...
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