
NYT's Harwood Cracks on NYT Editor Sam Tanenhaus: 'The Death of Liberalism?'

MSNBC host and NYT contributor John Harwood interviews influential Sunday section editor Sam Tanenhaus about the Republican win in Massachusetts and jests about the title of Tanenhaus's recent ...

Nation's Leading Paper Says Democracy Imperiled by First Amendment Victory

Irony or hypocrisy? A lead editorial in the nation's premier newspaper condemns a free speech victory in the Supreme Court as a "radical decision, which strikes at the heart of democracy."

Shunning First Amendment Victory, Times Frets of New Power for Lobbyists

So much for the First Amendment victory on campaign spending granted by the Supreme Court. A front-page headline focuses on fear of sleazy politics (aka democracy in action): "Lobbies' New Power: ...

Times Fails to Hail Free Speech Victory in Supreme Court, Frets Over 'Corrupting of Democracy'

The nation's leading newspaper would of course celebrate a First Amendment victory at the Supreme Court, right? Well, not exactly. Front-page headline: "Dissenters Argue That Ruling Will Corrupt ...

Gay Marriage Advocates Use Children as Campaign Props, Times Celebrates

Sure: "Kasey is 10 years old. When the New Jersey State Senate voted against same-sex marriage on Jan. 7, he was devastated."

The Apostasy of Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman feels forsaken by The One: "But I have to say, I'm pretty close to giving up on Mr. Obama, who seems determined to confirm every doubt I and others ever had about whether he was ready ...

Race Over, Times Finally Lays Out Martha Coakley Gaffes It Ignored During Campaign

The Times points out four gaffes made by Democrat Martha Coakley during her losing campaign to Republican Scott Brown. So why didn't the Times mention them during the actual campaign?

Hulse Looks on the Democratic Bright Side: Mass. Loss May Be 'A Blessing In Disguise'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse sees the bright side for the Democrats, who just might turn this crushing defeat into an eventual victory: "Amid the day's gloom, Democrats saw opportunity as ...

Floundering Gail Collins Find 'Bright Side,' Lame Excuses for GOP's Mass. Win

Don't blame Obama - all these Democratic losses are just about state issues: "The voters of Massachusetts were definitely angry about taxes, although the ones they seemed most ticked off about ...

Leibovich Finds Some Scott Brown Comments 'Curious' and 'Offending,' But None From Gaffe-Tastic Biden

The paper's political profile writer Mark Leibovichmaintains his usual pro-Democratic double standard: "[Scott Brown] strives for 'total discipline' but can be prone to curious public statements ...
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