
Times Watch Quotes of Note - 'Fear-Filled, Nationalistic Fervor' After 9-11 Attacks

Plus the paper's ethics columnist berates radio blowhards and tea party crackpots," and David Brooks lets us know what his fellow journalists really think of Sarah Palin.

'Fear-Filled, Nationalistic Fervor' After 9-11 Attacks

Plus the paper's ethics columnist berates radio blowhards and tea party crackpots," and David Brooks lets us know what his fellow journalists really think of Sarah Palin

Times Disputes Validity of Pollster Showing Close Mass. Senate Race, Yet...

Covering a surprisingly tight Senate race in Massachusetts, Abby Goodnough referenced a Rasmussen Reports poll showing a Republican closing in, but twice emphasized that most news organizations ...

Gail Collins Again Whistles Past Democratic Graveyard

Gail Collins again tries to laugh off harbingers of doom for Democrats in the 2010 elections.

Leibovich Mines Florida Tea Party for Paranoia While Pitying 'Pariah' Moderate Charlie Crist

The Times' Mark Leibovich finds hecklers, racist anecdotes, and "contempt for the president" at a Florida tea party rally in a profile of the upcoming Florida Senate primary pitting Marco Rubio ...

Celebrating Left-Wing Videos of 'Forsaken' Victims of Israel's Anti-Terror Gaza Blockade

Ethan Bronner whitewashes Hamas arms smuggling: "One of the most interesting videos brings viewers inside the smuggler tunnels through which most consumer goods are brought into Gaza....The maker ...

Defending Obama's War on Terror with a Fusillade of Cliches

Here we go again. Reporter Peter Baker on how Barack Obama deals with the terror threat: "Where Bush saw black and white, Obama sees gray. Where Bush favored swagger, Obama is searching for a more ...

Edmund Andrews on Wall Street Crisis: 'There Really Were a Lot of Crooks Out There'

Recent Times financial reporter Edmund Andrews, who posed as a victim of the mortgage crisis in a book, claims the wanton recklessness on Wall Street that nearly wrecked the economy has exposed ...

Times Bemoans 'More Republican Stalling' on Obama-Care

Reporter David Herszenhorn sounds impatient. Under the partisan-Democrat headline "Bypassing a Roadblock," he wrote, "But the clear will of Democratic leaders in Congress is not to deal with more ...

Times Publicizes a Four-Person March in Support of Illegal Immigrants

A four-person Miami-to-Washington march in support of illegal immigrants gets nearly the same level of coverage as the 100,000-strong rally of conservatives at the Capitol did in September.
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