
NYT's Treatment of Muslim Cartoons Remains Hostile, Hypocritical

James Barron looks with suspicion at the group hosting a Danish cartoonist whose life was threatened for a caricature mocking Muhammad: "People who have been at odds with Muslims."

CNN Endorses Thomas Friedman's Scaremongering About Conservatives

CNN's Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer endorsed Thomas Friedman's "scary and sobering column" in the New York Times where the liberal writer compared the American political climate to Israel in 1995 ...

Times Health-Care "Refresher" Just Same Old Liberal Talking Points

David Herszenhorn accepts dubious liberal premises about how the cost of U.S. health care is "rising way too fast" and talks in soothing terms of "reductions to slow Medicare spending" (don't call ...

NYT Friedman's Hypocrisy on 'Far Right' Dangerously Delegitimizing Obama

Making a truly odious comparison, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman claimed parallels between the behavior of anti-Obama protestors (who have been quite peaceful) to that of "extreme ...

Friedman's Hypocrisy on "Far Right" Dangerously Delegitimizing Obama

Columnist Thomas Friedman warns that "criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate here that existed in Israel on the eve of the ...

NYT: Modest Lefty Pittsburgh Protest Comparable to Huge Conservative Protest in D.C.

A reader could assume the Sept. 12 conservative protest in DC and the anarchist protest in Pittsburgh were of the same magnitude, as both described the crowd as in "thousands." Headline from the ...

Times Discovers Abortion Part of Health Care Fight After All

Surprise: After dismissing conservative concern over possible taxpayer-funded abortions under Obama-care as a "peripheral" issue or even a "myth," the Times runs a front-page story headlined ...

Obama's "Diplomatic Coup" in Russia Over Iran's Nukes?

Yeah Obama! (And don't mention the betrayal of Poland and the Czech Republic over the cancelling of an antimissile system.)

Former NYT Editor Howell Raines Comes Out As "Liberal to Radical"

Raines' tribute to former Times colleague William Safire includes this self-description: "It always amused me that this conservative Eastern elitist was a deep-dyed populist when it came to ...

Modest Lefty Pittsburgh Protest Comparable to Huge Conservative Protest in D.C.?

Coverage of the leftists and anarchists protesting the Group of 20 meeting in Pittsburgh downplayed the violence in a headline implying peace ruled, and boasted of a crowd size of up to 4,000. Yet ...
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