
'Racially Tinged Attacks' Against Obama at Huge Washington Rally?

On Wednesday night, NBC Nightly News led with ex-president Jimmy Carter's racism charge against conservative opponents of Obama's agenda. On Thursday morning, the New York Times put Carter's slur ...

Carl Hulse Has No Patience for Conservatives Pushing ACORN Scandal

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse sounded impatient with a Republican senator's move to ban the left-wing housing group ACORN from receiving any Interior Department spending: "Not satisfied with ...

Timothy Egan: Middle Class Too Easily "Distracted" To Know Own Best Interests

Former Times reporter Timothy Egan is vexed that many middle-class Americans are heeding "the brat's cry of Joe Wilson" and succumbing to "generalized rage" stoked by "well-funded Astroturf outfits."

"Racially Tinged Attacks" Against Obama at Huge Washington Rally?

Pity our poor president. Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg began their front-page story: "President Obama has long suggested that he would like to move beyond race. The question now is whether the ...

Times Editor, Short Version: Yes, We Have a Liberal Bias

Craig Whitney tackles the issue of liberally biased reporters in less than concise fashion: "All this is to say that many people in modern American journalism - not all, but many - share a general ...

Times Bureau Chief Sniffs at ACORN, Glenn Beck

Washington bureau chief Dean Baquet sniffs at ACORN and Glenn Beck, and suggests Obama-related scandals aren't big news: "For Glenn Beck to devote 45 minutes of his show to ACORN and Van Jones ...

Finally: An ACORN Story Sprouts in Print!

Scott Shane overplays the ideological angle, showing "the right" as "gleeful" in claiming its "latest scalp," as opposed to outrage over a tax-funded leftist organization encouraging tax evasion ...

Networks Ignore Push for Repeal of DOMA

ABC, CBS and NBC continue pattern of whitewashing gay issues.

Glossing Over Real Issues of Nazi-Era Enthusiast Working for Anti-Israel Group

Human Rights Watch staffer Marc Garlasco, author of many reports hostile to Israel, was suspended after revelations he is an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia. The Times portrays Garlasco as a ...

Oppose Obama? Racist

Maureen Dowd imagines Rep. Joe Wilson shouting a derogatory word at Obama and uses her feverish imagination to slime all South Carolina Republicans as racists: "But, fair or not, what I heard was ...
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