
NY Times Columnist Says Saving Banks Will Take another Trillion

Sorkin Tells 'Good Morning America' financials need fixing 'all over again.'

Good Riddance to Bush's "Ideological Certainties," Says David Sanger

Reporter David Sanger used Obama's inaugural address to regret how Bush "went to war in the Middle East but rejected the shared sacrifice of conservation."

Obama's Very Name a Soothing Mantra in Difficult Times

Reporter turned editorialist Francis Clines: "The new president's name, simply his name, was just the restorative the enormous crowds needed." And a lead editorial takes cheap departing shots at ...

Krugman's Obama Would be Like 'Franklin Delano'

Nobel Prize winning economist has devoted over half his post-election columns to urging Obama to act like FDR, or promoting New Deal-style stimulus.

Rev. Rick Warren Hounded by Gay Protestors - and the Times

Shaila Dewan devotes almost half of her story to a gay rights protest outside the Atlanta church where Rev. Rick Warren was marking Martin Luther King day.

Goldilocks Obama?

"...he has been a font of cool confidence, never too hot, never too cold, seemingly undaunted by the magnitude of troubles awaiting him and unbothered by the few setbacks that have tripped him up."

Michelle Obama's "Proud of My Country" Comment Again Dismissed

Just a "rhetorical stumble" used by "conservative" bloggers and columnists to attack her as "unpatriotic."

There's Even Hope for Pro-McCain Oklahoma

Kirk Johnson: "Not a single county in Oklahoma stirred from the orderly phalanx marching behind Mr. McCain, the senator from Arizona who was the Republican nominee....But that staunchly ...

Times Spins Bad Economic News Out of Good Military News

Desperate young men "lured" by the military? Lizette Alvarez: "As the number of jobs across the nation dwindles, more Americans are joining the military, lured by a steady paycheck, benefits and ...

Dear NY Times: Protectionism Isn't the Answer

Lower-cost competition comes from technological advances which alleviates poverty instead of creating it.
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