
On Front Page, Obama Now Being Praised for Reading

Book critic Michiko Kakutani writes that "Mr. Obama's love of fiction and poetry...has not only given him a heightened awareness of language. It has also imbued him with a tragic sense of history ...

Excusing Obama's Forgettable Race Speech: It Was Big on YouTube

Katharine Seelye defended Obama's eloquence: "Mr. Obama's speech in March in Philadelphia on race, for instance, was not instantly quotable, but was memorable for the fact of it and praised by ...

Times Reporter: OK to Be Proud of America Now

Helene Cooper on the "suddenly hip" D.C.: "It's even cool to wave the Stars and Stripes."

Dear NY Times: Hero's Impact on Stock No 'Coincidence'

US Airways' market value increased predictably as a result of pilot's heroism.

Michelle Obama, First Recessionista?

The new First Lady's fashion choices may be affordable in the eyes of the media but they still remain out of the budget of many average people.

If Hollywood 'Made' Obama, it Also Made Problem Issues

If African-American TV, movie presidents prepared public for Obama, Hollywood's negative influence matters too.

Inauguration Hypocrisy: NYT Chided Bush Gala, but Obamans Free to Party

What happened to the paper's 2005 anti-Bush criticism of a "lavish inaugural celebration in a time of war"?

Neil MacFarquhar, Still Taking Sides in the Middle East

Reporter Neil MacFarquhar sneaks in his trademark Palestinian advocacy in a story about Susan Rice's Senate confirmation hearings.

Guantanamo Bay's "Seemingly Endless Supply of Embarrassments"

Jumping on remarks by a Pentagon official regarding Guantanamo Bay, reporter William Glaberson takes a broad view of "torture" and dismisses as "public relations" the idea that detainees released ...

Cutting Obama's Treasury Pick Slack on Taxes

No scandal for Obama nominee Tim Geithner, tax scofflaw: "Geithner's Mistake on Tax Is Common, Experts Say."
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