
Danger! Danger! Alessandra Stanley Attempts a Simile

"And like the Sci Fi series, Mr. McCain, with occasional puckishness, can tap in to voters' darkest fears of terrorist aggression and apocalyptic doom."

Times Embraces Harmful, Human-Based "Global Warming" as Settled Fact

Purportedly objective reporter Matthew Wald chides energy companies: "This is not a good way to get started in fighting global warming."

Dark Days for Fla. Immigrants: "Fears Now Cloud the Most Basic Routines"

Sobbing for illegal immigrants who've deserted a Florida town: "Many of the Hispanic immigrants who came in 2004 to help rebuild after Hurricane Ivan have either fled or gone into hiding. Churches ...

Obsessing Over Republican Race Cards Against Obama

Marcus Mabry on the GOP's suspicious camapaign schemes.

No Socialists at Duke University?

Deborah Solomon (pictured on right) forwards a lazy liberal opinion about Duke University.

Reporter Says McCain Trying to Live Down "Warmonger" Reputation

Julie Bosman on McCain's first general election ad: "If Mr. McCain has developed a reputation as a warmonger..."

Really Now? Columnist Says Hillary Suffered "16 Months of Sustained Misogyny"

Judith Warner: "Clearly, in an age when the dangers and indignities of Driving While Black are well-acknowledged, and properly condemned, Striving While Female - if it goes too far and looks too ...

Times Snipes at CEO Carly Fiorina, "Take-No-Prisoners" Surrogate for McCain

McCain-hostile reporter Elisabeth Bumiller passes on gripes from a nameless "number of Republicans" who wonder what the "street bully" former CEO of Hewlett Packard is doing on the campaign bus.

Times Virtually Ignores Haditha Acquittal

The Times was all over the Haditha "massacre." Yet now that the prosecution has suffered yet another failure, you can hardly locate the story with a microscope.

Finally, Times Reveals Left-Wing Unions Behind Anti-Wal-Mart Group

As the pressure group Wal-Mart Watch takes a victory lap, reporter Michael Barbaro finally details the groups close ties to one of the more left-wing unions, SEIU.
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