
Avoiding Atrocity: Times Leaves off Dragging of Troops in Somalia

Whyever would the U.S. have "turned its back on Somalia" in 1993? Jeffrey Gettleman leaves off one reason: The dragging of U.S. soldiers through the streets.

NYT Bows to Reality: "Baghdad Starts to Exhale as Security Improves"

Less than a month ago a lead editorial began: "The news out of Iraq just keeps getting worse."

McCain Gets Pat on Back For Not "Harshly Attack[ing]" Hillary

The media wonders: Why do conservatives dislike Hillary Clinton so?

Meet the "Most Respected" Murtha, Who Slimed U.S. Troops in Haditha

Reporter David Herszenhorn finds a questionable voice of reason about the Iraq War.

What GOP "Called A Decline in Violence" in Iraq?

David Herszenhorn: "The debate over war financing also provided a forum for Republicans to praise recent developments in Iraq, including what they called a decline in violence."

Frank Rich: Bush's "Quiet Coup" Worse Than Musharraf's Blatant One

"This is most apparent in the Republican presidential race, where most of the candidates seem to be running for dictator and make no apologies for it."

Still Jabbing at Giuliani

Reporter Russ Buettner returns to a familiar topic: "The Fox News Channel's coverage of the presidential race has been a topic of some discussion within rival campaigns because the channel is ...

Columnist Wars, Round 3: Brooks, Krugman and Bob Herbert Fight Over "Racist" Reagan Claims

Now, paleoliberal Bob Herbert responds to fellow columnist David Brooks' defense of Reagan from left-wing charges of making racist appeals in his 1980 campaign.

Even When Bowing to Liberal Pressure, "Stingy" Wal-Mart Can't Win

The lead sentence in a story praising Wal-Mart for submitting to liberal pressure and expanding health care: "For much of the last decade, the retailing behemoth Wal-Mart stores has been ...

Tax Hike A Path to Greater Happiness, Suggests Former Economics Reporter

Eduardo Porter: "If growing incomes are not increasing happiness, perhaps we should tax incomes more to force us to devote less time and energy to the endeavor and focus instead on the more ...
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