
Reagan the Racist? David Brooks vs. Paul Krugman, Round 2

Slate picks up on David Brooks' secret attack on Paul Krugman for spreading myths about Reagan and racism.

Times Honors Medal of Honor Winner Michael Murphy

Michael Winerip interviewed Murphy's parents: "His parents said they never worried whether Michael the boy could take care of himself, but they did fear he was a little too altruistic for his own ...

Sports Columnist Patrols the Sidelines for Sexism

Harvey Araton attacks sports media for sexism: "Intentional or not, the sports news media remain a male domain of empowerment where the shocking tale of a 12-year-old girl sexually assaulted three ...

Times Warns Economy "Will Worsen Before It Gets Better"

As if the economy isn't actually strong right now. What the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke actually said: "...the overall economy remained resilient in recent months."

David Brooks Defends Reagan on Racism, Sinks Bank Shot Against Krugman

Is Paul Krugman reading this? "But still the slur spreads. It's spread by people who, before making one of the most heinous charges imaginable, couldn't even take 10 minutes to look at the evidence."

Finally, a "Surge" the Times Will Cover

As long as it's an expected surge in the number of homeless Iraq War veterans.

Times Leads with "Slowdown Fear," Stayed Ho-Hum Over Good Economic News

A big drop in the Dow gives the Times an excuse to warn of slowdown fears on the front page - yet the Times downplayed the stock market's recent record high and suggested the great new jobs report ...

Overboard on Waterboarding: The Spanish Inquisition?

Philip Shenon: "...they were troubled by the way Mr. Mukasey handled questions about waterboarding, which the United States has fiercely condemned when carried out by other nations and had ...

An Abortionist Profile In the "Health" Section

The Times talks to an abortion doctor about what a "rewarding thing" it was to give pregnant women "back their lives" by killing their unborn children.

Editorial Page Slimes Private Guards in Iraq as "Mercenaries"

The editorial page rubs our faces with the inflammatory phrase "mercenaries." But who protects New York Times reporters in Iraq?
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