
Sticking to the 'Sexism Is a Sin' Watch

The Times and religion reporter Laurie Goodstein promoted radical-left activist Father Roy Bourgeois as his Catholic religious order dismissed him for defiance of church teaching.

Carr Warns of Murdoch's 'Soft Power' With No Hard Evidence

Media columnist David Carr wrote a broad conspiracy theory about the dangerous "soft power" of Murdoch Inc. with little evidence and lots of partisan insinuation.

Joy as Cuba Lifts Its Beatles Ban

Reporter Damien Cave finds communist Cuba is recovering from a bad case of stuffiness. Its censorship of rock music only defined it as a "very serious place," not a prison.

NYT Downplays Own Poll Showing More Think Spending Cuts Didn't Go Far Enough

The New York Times on Friday downplayed results in its own poll that found 44 percent of respondents think the cuts in the debt deal didn't go far enough, versus only 15 percent who said "too ...

Early Show, NYT Report What CBS Evening News Ignored: Own Poll Showing Support for More Spending Cuts

While CBS's Early Show and the New York Times both highlighted their own poll showing support for further spending cuts, the CBS Evening News ignored it. Americans three-to-one believe the ...

New York Times Columnists Ridicule Tea Party: 'Zombies' Wearing 'Suicide Vests'

So much for civility. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Wednesday continued to ramp up the newspaper's vitriolic attacks against Tea Party conservatives, bizarrely describing them as ...

NYT's Maureen Dowd Excoriates 'Cannibal' 'Vampire' Tea Partiers

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Wednesday continued to ramp up the newspaper's vitriolic attacks against Tea Party conservatives, bizarrely describing them as "cannibals" "zombies" and ...

Echoing Democrats, MSNBC, Times Editorial Slams GOP for Taking FAA 'Hostage'

Although it's Senate Democrats who are refusing to debate and vote on a House plan to fund the Federal Aviation Administration through September 16, the New York Times editorial board today ...

Reporting How Cubans May Finally Be Able to Own Their Houses, Damien Cave Worries About 'Gentrification'

Leave it to the Times to worry about income disparity and gentrification in Cuba. In his August 3 Cubans Set for Big Change: Right to Buy Homes, correspondent Damien Cave reported on how Cubans ...
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